Mediterranean Diet 101: Beginner's Guide 2020

The Mediterranean restaurants serve traditional food of different regions like Greece and Italy since 1960. The research said that the people who used the Mediterranean diet are healthier than Americans and had a low risk of diseases comparatively. The Mediterranean diet is fabulous among different diet plan and is more effective than the other luscious foods prevents heart diseases, diabetes, or premature death and helps in weight loss.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The food free from refined oil, processed food, meats, fatty acid and lower consumption of trans-fat, which leads you to several diseases like (obesity, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases). Whereas the diet includes ( nuts, seafood, salads, olive oil, vegetables, fruits, fruits, beans,and red wine) a healthy diet of people of Spain, Italy Greece, and Portugal.

Avoid unhealthy food

Do not eat such food and are excluded from the Mediterranean diet.

1. Added sugar:

Ice cream soda, candies, table sugar, and many others.

2. Refined oils

including cottonseed oil, canola oil, Soybean oil, and others.

3. Trans-fats:

Found in margarine and various processed foods.

4. Refined grains

including pasta made with refined wheat, and White bread, etc.

5. Processed meat:

Processed sausages, hot dogs, etc.

6. Highly processed foods:

"Low-fat" or "diet" labelled or which looks like it was made in a factory.

What to drink?

If you are on a Mediterranean diet then with the food you should go with water only or least amount of red wine as you can have only one glass per day. Who has a problem in the consumption of alcohol can use tea or coffee without sugar and also avoid beverages and juices, which are high in sugar.

Pros of the Mediterranean diet

1. Doable-easy to stick but the time needed to cook
2. Can eat what you love but limited alcohol
3. Low in saturated fat and no dairy
4. Reduces the risk of diseases

Mediterranean meal menu options

Breakfast; Oats, fruits, egg, cheese, Snack; Nuts, dry fruits, avocado, Lunch; Soup, fish, salad, quinoa, Snack; Vegetables (raw), yogurt, avocado, Dinner; Salad, chicken, fish, sprouts.

Shopping list for the diet

When you are going to shop for diet Halal Food San Diego then keep in mind organic is best for you and the least processed options also when you can afford.
Vegetable likes (Carrots, onions, broccoli, spinach, kale, garlic).
Fruits(Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes)
Berries (Strawberries, blueberries)
Frozen veggies (Choose mixes with healthy vegetables)
Grains (Whole-grain bread, whole-grain pasta)
Legumes (Lentils, pulses, beans)
Nuts (Almonds, walnuts, cashews)
Seeds (Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds)
Condiments (Sea salt, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon)
Fish (Salmon, cheese, shrimp, trout, mackerel, and shellfish)
Potatoes and sweet potatoes, sardines, Greek yogurt, Chicken, Pastured or omega-3 enriched eggs, Olives, and Extra virgin olive oil.


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