What Are The Best Salads To Eat?

Salad is a combination of raw vegetables and fruits or cooked meat cut in different shapes in a bowl. It can be served chilled and warm as well or often dressed with other food items. There are many types of salads consumes around the world as they are nutritious, healthy and hunger increasing dish available at Mediterranean restaurant San Diego. Some of the salads are garden-based, beans, vegetables, noodle-based, and meat-based. Sauces are used for salad dressing or flavors like vinegar or olive oil or cream. People eat salads with a meal in the forms of; -Appetizer salads (light, smaller-portion salads, first course serving) -Main course salads (portion of high-protein foods, such as meat, fish, eggs, legumes, or cheese) -Side salads (served in the main course as a side dish like potato salad and Caesar salad) -Dessert salads (sweet versions containing fruit, gelatin, sweeteners or whipped cream and milk or curd) Types of salads: 1. Green salad Green salad is consists of garde...