7 Top Things to Eat for Breakfast on The Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean diet is the world's most favorite diet people love to have to change their lifestyle as its emphasis on (whole grains, fruits, nuts, and fish). The breakfast is filled with delicious and healthy ingredients that are awesome for your taste tooth as offered by Halal Restaurants . All the ingredients used in the diet plan are approved with the nutritionist and dietitians to follow the Mediterranean diet plan. 1. The Mediterranean Scrambled Eggs This recipe is an intake of breakfast time for Mediterranean-inspired scrambled eggs which take only 5 minutes to make, by cooking in olive oil like eggs and vegetables serve with extra tomatoes on the side. 2. Spanish Tortilla (Potato Omelette Pie from Spain) A Spanish potato omelette called Spanish tortilla and can help in late breakfast or brunch with bread and tomato salad. It is cooked in a Spanish cooking style you would love eating. 3. Pastry-Less Spanakopita It is a Greek pastry recipe and made with spi...